2024 Book Recap
2024 Book Recap – Goal 100 Books – Books Read 110 I can’t remember at what age that I learned how to read. I can only remember that I have ALWAYS had a love for books. I remember being read to at bedtime as a child. Favorite stories told over and over. Going to the library during the summer and finding my favorite author and piling high as many books as I could carry, many of which the school library didn’t have on their shelves. Having a book in my hand or in my bag every waking moment, even reading when my then boyfriend, now husband, took me to sonic during my lunch breaks in high school. There have been years where I have read less than others, for many reasons. Over the past decade, I’ve had long periods of time where I didn’t read much other than non-fiction, which isn’t my first choice when I think about my time in a book. I started using Goodreads in 2011. I have no idea how many books I read in years before that. That year I read 36 books. I had joined the AFCW and the lo...